
Battery storage: A crucial component for flexibility in the power grid

The energy transition and the shift to renewable energy sources are essential for a sustainable future. However, the integration of solar and wind energy, whose availability is highly weather-dependent, poses new challenges for our power grid. On days with high sunlight or strong winds, it can happen that the amount of energy generated exceeds the capacity limits of our grids, leading to shutdowns. For example, in Germany in 2022, about 8 billion kilowatt-hours of renewable energy went unused because the grid was overloaded. This lost energy could have powered millions of households.

Existing power grids are often not designed to handle the fluctuating production from renewable sources. This regularly leads to bottlenecks, particularly in windy and sunny regions, necessitating shutdowns to ensure grid stability. While grid expansion is a possible solution, it is time- and cost-intensive.

This is where battery storage comes in. They offer the possibility to temporarily store excess energy and feed it into the grid precisely when it is needed – whether to cover peak loads or bridge gaps. By being able to quickly respond to fluctuations, battery storage significantly contributes to stabilizing the power grid and increasing the efficiency of electricity generation from renewable sources.

The rapid expansion of battery storage is therefore a critical factor for the success of the energy transition. They not only enable a more flexible use of generated energy but also reduce dependence on conventional power plants.

By increasing the use of battery storage technology, a continuous and reliable energy supply can be ensured, thus making an important step towards a sustainable energy future.